
Bioshock slug system shock grub
Bioshock slug system shock grub

bioshock slug system shock grub

Rather than beg for help, SHODAN wants to use it to shut down Xerxes for good. Heading forward, SHODAN will contact you and fill you in on your situation: some of the survivors on this deck had been attempting to send out a transmission to Earth by using a special Transmitter Tower in the Athletics area of Recreation Deck. Dispose of them with whatever deadly means you wish, then take the hallway left.

bioshock slug system shock grub

As you attempt to leave down the hall, a vent will crash to the floor and release several Annelid Grubs. Your consolation prize are some Anti-Personnel Shells on the bench. Upon exiting the elevator, you'll spot a man through the window, but he'll quickly run off when he realizes you're not who he's looking for you.

bioshock slug system shock grub

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Bioshock slug system shock grub