
Strip club map mcpe free download
Strip club map mcpe free download

Remove all the terrain in a x chunk radius for a building project or such.Visually see how things generate underground, ors-veins, custom world gen structures,strongholds etc.Cheat to figure out where all the cords for all sweet hidden ores.Mod Developers that wants to check their underground world gen a bit easier.

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Pack Developers that wants to check their underground world gen a bit easier.NOW WITH IN-GAME CONFIG GUI MENU! (Up to 1.8 - 1.12) Below you can see a example where I replaced all the water with lava by changing the replacer block in the config from air to lava and changed the strip list to only replace water blocks. World Stripper is also a powerful tool for map, pack or mod makers to do huge changes to the work. (Keybindings may be changed in the settings). Hold shift while pressing HOME to inspect the registry name + meta data & copy it to clipboard.Press the HOME key to inspect the registry name of the block you look at & copy it to clipboard.Press the INSERT key on your keyboard to place the terrain back again.

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  • Press the DELETE key on your keyboard to strip the terrain around you.

  • Strip club map mcpe free download